Social media helps you reach two kinds of people that may otherwise be hard to reach. Prospects, and customers.
Prospects are the people that you want to get to know.
They have an awareness of your brand/product
Earn respect and build trust
Have the potential of being new customers
Customers are the people already using your business.
They continue to provide value
Deepen relationships
Make them feel important and valued
Continue to be aware of additional offers
Build up your brand
Any other people on your social media sites? These people may include your peers, colleagues, competitors, or even service providers. Now taking your audience and putting it into action take a few steps.
1. Intentions and illustrations
Knowing who your audience is tip number 1. Tip number 2, is to bring your intentions and turn them into illustrations. Are you cool and collected? Soft and sophisticated? Maybe even Fun and “forreal”. Anyway, the point is, you want to create a “voice” for you brand. Who are you, and what are you representing? Make sure your representations are clear and easy for other people to understand.
2. Standing Out
You can stand out and still be contextual. If you try too hard to be different, it could affect you in a negative way. To help you stand out, do the following:
Create a spark: something that will draw your audience in
Set up your page: this should include that spark
Create a campaign/logo: only show this to your “ideal customer profile”
Be specific and appealable: you want to sound as irresistible as Dove chocolate looks on TV.
Write to a friend: don’t try and use uber big terms on social media – no one wants to read something that will make their mind hurt.
3. Increasing your Reach
By increasing your reach, you are gaining more viewers, and eventually potential customers. To help increase your reach you can do any of the following:
Post outside business hours: you can reach a new crew of customers that may be on social media at different times than your business hours.
Mix up the type of posts: don’t be boring. Try different styles of posts like videos or pictures – keep it interesting.
Test post length: it’s okay to change the length of your posts. Long ones are great if the information is relevant, but maybe a shorter one is more to the point.
Repost popular posts: if you see a post that is accumulating a lot of interaction, repost it! I’m sure your customers would love to see it as well.
Drive traffic from other sources: what can you do to get people to come to your page? Maybe it’s a weekly “Tips and Tricks” blog that you post, but you need to come up with a strategy that is different than your competitors.
Pre-select target audience: know who your audience is before going into social media. You need to know how to correctly approach them and what will be most beneficial.
Here at RPM, we do what we say and follow through.
Only we can provide expertise. We will give you the “presents” that you LOVE.
We can create a website for your company that will help to grow your business and more!