
October 16, 2014
facebook networking

Becoming Friends With Facebook

In our time you may not think people have as many idols as they used to, but oh do they. The greatest of them all is Facebook. Facebook dominates the social realm. 90% of marketers regularly use Facebook and 54% say it is the most important network around. GlobalWebIndex says Facebook continues to be the most popular social platform with 69% of all internet users worldwide having an account and 62% of its users actively posting on a monthly basis. So that means if Facebook has 1.15 billion active users, 930 million people worldwide are using it. That’s a lot of people! And a lot of competition. The question is how to beat that competition. Here are some tips on how to create engaging posts that will make Facebook your best friend: #1.) Use more photos and videos because people like visual material rather than reading material. Use photos of your happy customers […]
October 15, 2014
twitter tips

Tips for Twitter

Behind Facebook and Google+, Twitter is the third largest social media platform, and the second fastest growing behind Pinterest according to GlobalWebIndex. Twitter is a great social tool for any business, but since Twitter launched its “mute” button many businesses might be in trouble. This mute button allows users to still follow someone without seeing their tweets. For businesses, this means there must be no bad tweeting or the business risks being “muted.” A business must sell its products and keep its tweets informative, but simultaneously keep its followers entertained. So how do you keep from being muted and not fall into the “boring spam” tweet category? #1.) Know Why You’re on Twitter. You’re a business and you’re here to promote your business, but your tweets need to be more than self promotion. Your followers will get annoyed if you only tweet about how awesome your toilet paper is, so get creative […]
October 12, 2014
super fan!

Using Podcasts to Create Super Fans

According to a presentation by Michael Stelzner, only 6% of marketer’s podcast, but podcasting is on the rise. 28% say they want to improve their knowledge of podcasting and 33% plan on creating original audio content. Podcasting, just like writing, is a marketing weapon. but podcasting can also be tricky and become mundane. When it comes to podcasting, content is king and good content will generate more followers and keep those followers coming back. As previously talked about in Using Original Written Content as a Marketing Weapon, you must get to know your audience, your topic, and your competitor in order to create good content. People have a short attention span and can be disinterested quickly–especially when it comes to recorded content. One way to think about it is putting yourself in the shoes of a radio host. They know that if they are not providing valuable information or being entertaining, their listener […]
October 11, 2014
google plus

Using Google+ to Make Your Business Stand Out

Google+ is relatively new and a lot of people don’t know how to use it to their advantage, or just don’t know how to use it period. What most people don’t know is how fast Google+ is growing and what a valuable asset it presents itself. According to data released by GlobalWebIndex, Google+ now has 318 million active users and is still gaining huge numbers of new followers, putting it ahead of Twitter as the number two social network behind Facebook. With so many new users, how can you make your business stand out on Google+? #1. Build Authority and Influence using Google+ Authorship Google+ has enhanced search result listings which enables users to identify your content. Using Authorship to create a visual tie to your work, Google+ will basically build this authority and influence for you. Authorship will increase your visibility in search results, create more authority for your content, and […]