
October 3, 2014

The 7 Essentials to Writing a Good Blog Post

1. Know your audience and focus on the reader If you think you’re writing for everyone, then really, you’re not writing for anyone. Knowing your audience is the first step in writing an excellent blog, and your blog must be specific to your audience. Keep demographics in mind to help shape your message to the right audience. Also keep in mind psychographics such as habits, frustrations, and aspirations so that your writing is relatable and easy for the reader to follow. Constantly keep your writing in check by knowing that the audience wants to feel they are gaining something by reading your blog. 2. Be original, be yourself, and hook the reader As a blogger you are first a writer, which means you need to have a voice in writing. If you are real and relatable, people are more likely to keep reading your posts. People can smell BS a […]
September 26, 2014
social coffee

7 Essential Tips for Writing Effective Facebook Posts

Ok, great, you have a Facebook page for your business but business hasn’t increased. You post once every couple of weeks or so and you just aren’t getting the hits you want. Where are the ‘likes’ and ‘shares’, somebody please ‘comment!’ Are you feeling Facebook isolated? Well, fret no more! Here are 7 essential tips for writing Facebook posts that will get likes, shares, and comments, and even more importantly people talking about your business. 1.      Keep it short and simple. Being brief and concise is key. Facebook users typically scan, not read posts. The longer the post the less likely people are to like to comment on it. According to Buddy Media, posts with 40 or less characters receive an 86% higher engagement rate!  Simple posts, such as a single photo or a few words, or a combo of the two are more effective for retailers than complicated posts. Buddy […]
September 12, 2014
email marketing

4 Sizzling Tips for Writing Smoking Hot Sales E-mails

If you read our last blog (now is your chance if you didn’t) about how E-mail is Alive, then you understand that e-mail is still an effective sales and marketing tool, even in the new age of social media. If you grasp this concept then you can understand the usefulness of knowing how to write a successful sales e-mail. 1. Be Brief and Concise We live in a short attention span society with a multitude of things screaming, blinking, buzzing, and pulling for our attention. Try to keep your e-mail less than 100 words so the prospective customer can glance it over and understand who and what your company is and does, how you understand their problem and can help, and that this is an invitation to talk in person. Make it easy on the eyes too. Use short paragraphs, 3 to 4 sentences. 2. Customize to Your Client This […]
September 11, 2014
social media strategy

5 Popular Social Media Tips to Forget

You have probably heard that you should be on every social media site for your business, that you don’t need e-mail anymore, or other baseless advice. Face it, just like everything else in life there is a lot of bad advice out there. Be careful who you listen to. Since our background is marketing we know a thing or two and we are here to help. So, when it comes to social media, here are some popular tips debunked. 1. You Should be on Every Social Media Site This is one that a lot of know it all types say you should do. And while it is important to be on and engaged in social media trying to be on them all could spread you too thin and take up too much time. Know your target market and the sites to best reach them.If you own a Jaguar dealership keeping […]