E-Mail is Still Alive! E-mail as a Marketing Tool

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E-Mail is Still Alive! E-mail as a Marketing Tool

@ mail

Some would argue that e-mail is a more powerful marketing tool than social media. Fresh faced, still wet behind the ear marketing graduates will say that’s absurd and that social media is where it’s at. Well, those that truly know marketing would say they are both right.

Why would you limit yourself to one marketing strategy? In this day and age of social media does e-mail still have any validity in marketing your business? In most cases it does.

1. No One is Reading Your Social Media Updates

Where are my Tweeters? Where are all the likes and shares I am supposed to be getting on my Facebook profile? If you have 1000 followers how many of them actually read any specific update you post…maybe a hundred? But if you e-mail 2,000 of your customers, even if they don’t open it, most of them will see the e-mail and think about your company.

2. E-mail Can Be More Personal 

As funny as this may sound, an e-mail is more personal than a post on a social media site. Using a mail merge feature you can send an e-mail to many customers at once that will use their first name. People love the sound of their own name, which helps create a state of connection and openness.

3. E-mail as a Sales Tool

E-mail is a great way to offer coupons and other deals to your customers, especially if you are offering a deal only to existing customers. It rewards their loyalty to your business.

4. People Check Their E-mail…A lot!

Most people have a smart phone, tablet, or some other mobile advice that keeps them connected and they check their e-mail frequently. Sending content via e-mail is a way to engage them.

By incorporating e-mail as one of your marketing strategies you allow yourself to reach people in ways you can’t on social media. I am not saying to get rid of social media. That would be ridiculous. Rather, use every tool you have at your disposal and the right tool for the job.

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