Creating a business model is essential when creating a business. You want to become the leading expert! How can you do this? There’s 3 simple tools:
Events: What’s happening in our business world?
Magazine: Content?
Consulting: Education, training and advisory.
Taking the concepts and turning them into something understandable is more beneficial for the business. You want people to be able to relate, right? How can someone do that if you aren’t even following your own advice? Your business should hold out to the same standards as you would expect your readers to want.
Keep in mind, what you know is different than what your audience cares about. There is a line between leader vs expert. Are you leading your readers/audience and helping them understand a topic/subject, or are you talking straight expertise with no thought on how your audience is interpreting it.
Think about this:
Core Target Audience What Will Be Delivered? What is the Outcome?
When trying to become the most reliable source for your audience, you have to find that niche! You want to become the leading expert? Then find what works! Be you and talk to your audience, not to a wall.